Dear Colleagues,
We at AutoGen continue to monitor the global COVID-19 pandemic and above all else are committed to protecting the health, safety and well-being of our employees, customers and partners. The spread of the COVID-19 virus presents unique challenges and our actions are intended to promote social distancing and enable continuity of services in the event of increased disruption as the response progresses.
The Center for Disease Control has strongly encouraged social distancing, a term applied to certain actions that are recommended by public health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease.
As the State of Massachusetts has declared a State of Emergency and strongly encouraged employers and other large organizations to eliminate all non-essential travel, limit or eliminate large events where possible, and explore telework where appropriate, AutoGen will adhere to the following recommendations:
- All work-related travel, both foreign and domestic, is to be discontinued until further notice. Employees are also strongly encouraged to avoid any personal international travel.
- Visitors to our office are limited to only those that are essential to keep our business running.
- Conferences, seminars and other discretionary gatherings, are to be held virtually or cancelled. Regular internal business shall continue. Meeting organizers are strongly encouraged to utilize alternatives like conference calls, WebEx and other group communication tools.
- Additionally, employees should not attend external work-related conferences, seminars or events. Alternatively, employees are encouraged to participate remotely.
- Employees feeling sick with fever or flu symptoms should not come into work.
Thank you for your efforts to mitigate the spread of the disease. We will continue to communicate as the situation evolves.
Thank you,
Michael Messier
CEO, AutoGen, Inc.