``We partner with some of the world’s largest biobanks in operation.”
Servicing some of the largest biobanks in operation, our workflows provide nucleic acids that are of uniquely high quality and molecular weight for long term storage, downstream testing, and more. Our solutions for the various sample types within a biorepository generate the kind of quality that is suited to meet today’s downstream requirements, and most importantly, are stable and robust enough to handle the assays of the future.

``We work with nearly all top CRO's - domestic and international.``
Contract Research Organizations (CRO’s)
We work with many of the top CRO’s in the world. Our commitment to these organizations help them work with their demanding clients on drug development, evaluation, benchmarking, and ultimately, regulatory approval – all while enabling them to increase their quality, efficiency, and profitability.

``Many cancer/genetic testing centers worldwide utilize our multifaceted and customizable workflows.``
Cancer/Genetic Testing Centers
Our multifaceted and customizable workflows are used all around the world in many cancer/genetic testing centers. We help our customers in this area determine issues such as genetic vulnerabilities and inherited diseases. At the end of the day, they can have trust in the results obtained and our service provided, knowing that each test is generating high-quality data points so that critical decisions can be made.

``Our core/research customers are serviced by our versatile instruments in order to work with, or compete for, exciting grants.``
Core/Research Labs
Our core/research lab customers are working with, or competing for, exciting grants that generate research that will someday change the future of diagnostic care. Our instruments allow them to work seamlessly and easily with the sample types and quantity required to generate the data that will enable their research to impact the future.

``We work with some of the world’s largest pharma companies, helping provide crucial data to advance their research and development efforts.``
Similar to working with CRO’s, we provide important data points for some of the largest pharma companies in the world. We’re helping them find the best molecules and approaches that advance their drug discovery efforts, benchmarking, and ultimately, regulatory approval, so that they can commercialize the next blockbuster treatment regimen.

``We provide top-notch nucleic acid quality with a unique offering of products and chemistries that are suitable for a variety of downstream analysis offered by labs to the molecular marketplace.``
Molecular Diagnostics Labs
Our workflows allow for the collection of data points to analyze biological markers within the genome of patients. Our unique offering of products and chemistries produce top-notch nucleic acid quality that is well-suited for the array of downstream analysis these labs provide to the molecular marketplace. These labs also provide analysis for prenatal screening, treatment regimes, infectious disease/disease risk management, and cancer prognosis. Our variety of solutions impact each of these core areas within molecular diagnostics labs.
Interested in Learning More?
Whether you need to process a small or large batch of samples, our solutions have a proven track record of saving time, labor, and money.