XTRACT 16+® Cultured Cells DNA Kit

XTRACT 16+ Cultured Cells DNA Kit

Our XTRACT 16+ Cultured Cells DNA Kit is optimized to isolate DNA from up to 5 x 106 cells in our XTRACT 16+ workflow. Different protocols are optimized for samples of cell suspensions, cells grown in a monolayer, and amniotic fluid from trypsinization to DNA elution. Additionally, our programs and protocols ensure maximal efficacy and efficiency in performance for the specific type of sample used.

  • Catalog # XK110-96: XTRACT 16+ Cultured Cells DNA Kit – 96 preps


Key Features:

  • Consistent and repeatable results
  • Prevent contamination with pre-filled and sealed cartridges
  • Completely automated procedure from cell lysis to elution requires minimal manual pipetting
  • Isolate DNA from cultured cell suspension, cells grown in monolayer, or amniotic fluid
  • Purified DNA is ready for all downstream applications