XTRACT 16+® Genomic DNA Tissue Kit

XTRACT 16+ Genomic DNA Tissue Kit

Our XTRACT 16+ Genomic DNA Tissue Kit is optimized for the purification of DNA (genomic and mitochondrial) collected from a variety of tissues or cells using our XTRACT 16+ workflow. Its filter column filtrates the hard tissue sample or swab sample to prevent tissue residues from obstructing the pipette tip during the extraction process. This method uses a pre-filled cartridge that contains proteinase K and chaotropic salt to lyse cells and degrade protein, allowing the DNA to bind cellulose-coated, magnetic beads. After washing off the contaminants, the isolated DNA is eluted by a low salt elution buffer. Purified DNA of approximately 20-30kb in length is suitable for PCR or other enzymatic reactions.

  • Catalog # XK401-96: XTRACT 16+ Genomic DNA Tissue Kit – 96 preps


Key Features:

  • Consistent and repeatable results
  • Prevent contamination with pre-filled and sealed cartridges
  • Completely automated procedure from cell lysis to elution requires minimal manual pipetting
  • Isolate DNA from multiple sample types in the same run, including:
    • Animal tissues: solid animal tissue, stool samples, Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) tissue samples, and cultured yeast samples
    • Forensics samples: dried blood spots, saliva stains, swabs, cigarette butts, hair roots, chewing gum, animal feed, soil, and betel nut residue
  • Purified DNA is ready for all downstream applications